4455 N Braeswood Blvd #201
Houston, TX 77096

How to Avoid Adult Tooth Loss

As we age, our focus on oral healthcare tends to shift from having straight, white teeth to more concern on how to avoid adult tooth loss. A large percentage of adults in Houston have one or more missing teeth, which can have an obvious impact on smiling, chewing, and speaking with others. However, the loss of one or more teeth can also negatively impact dental health that goes well beyond aesthetics.

The best way to prevent losing teeth is to learn how to avoid adult tooth loss in general. An excellent resource for this information is a licensed dentist. If you are concerned that you may be losing a tooth or if there is a history of such in your family, it is a good idea to set up a consultation with a dentist to discuss what you can do now to prevent tooth loss.

The following are some of the most common causes of adult tooth loss:

  • Smoking – People who smoke may be at an increased risk of losing their teeth. Smoking can lead to gum disease, which can have an adverse effect on the jawbone and eventually lead to adult tooth loss.
  • Untreated cavities – The development and unchecked progression of a cavity can lead to severe tooth decay that may result in tooth loss.
  • Injury or trauma – In the event of an accident, sports injury, or something of a similar nature, these situations could be responsible for having a tooth knocked out or needing to be pulled.
  • Gum disease – Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is one of the top reasons for adult tooth loss. The condition is essentially a serious infection that can invade both gum tissue and bone structure. Left ignored or untreated, gum disease frequently results in tooth loss and the destruction of the supporting bones.
  • Teeth grinding – If you have ever been told that you grind your teeth so loud when sleeping (or can do so when under stress) that it becomes noticeable by others, it may be loosening teeth in the process so that they are more predisposed to fall out.
  • Medical conditions – Those individuals who have certain health conditions such as diabetes must also stay on top of their dental care in an effort to prevent tooth loss.

6 Tips to Avoiding Adult Tooth Loss

While the thought of losing teeth can send some into a panic, the good news is that there are steps you can take for avoiding adult tooth loss, including:

  1. Practice good oral hygiene daily – Taking care of your teeth and oral health on a daily basis can be effective in preventing a number of unwanted conditions, from cavities to the loss of teeth. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth in the mornings upon waking and the evenings before bed. It is also important to replace your toothbrush every three months. Some dentists may also recommend the use of a particular mouthwash.
  2. Visit the dentist every six months – Most dental professionals recommend you make an appointment twice a year in six-month increments. At this appointment, patients can expect to have dental x-rays, a professional tooth cleaning and flossing, and a thorough oral health examination. This allows the dentist to identify and treat potentially problematic areas instead of letting them progress unchecked.
  3. Focus on living a healthy lifestyle – The way a person consistently lives and treats their body on a daily basis is considered their lifestyle. A lifestyle that incorporates drinking plenty of water, eating a nutritious diet of fruits and vegetables, lowering sugar intake, and quitting smoking are all lifestyle changes that can help prevent adult tooth loss.
  4. Stay on top of your healthcare – Since many health conditions such as diabetes may have a correlation with adult tooth loss, it is important to stay on top of your regular healthcare. Be sure to share any health diagnoses with your dentist as well.
  5. Wear a night guard if you grind your teeth while sleeping – Those who grind their teeth in their sleep tend to do so on a nightly basis. This can wear the teeth down, fracture them, or even cause them to become loose. By wearing a night guard, it may reduce the incidence of adult tooth loss due to grinding or bruxism.
  6. Protect your teeth while playing sports – Unfortunately, serious sports injuries can also lead to adult tooth loss. The best way to protect against this is wearing a mouth guard. These implements are designed to help protect the teeth and provide extra support while a person is actively playing sports.

If you still find yourself needing a bit more motivation to practice the above prevention techniques, it may help to know what types of procedures you could be looking at if you do lose a tooth. The loss of one or more teeth should be addressed because it can give way to crowding of the teeth and the loss of bone structure. For this reason, procedures like dental crowns, bridges, dentures, and implants may be needed after the loss of one or more teeth.

Dental crowns may be used if only one tooth needs to be replaced. But if an individual has several missing teeth, a dental bridge may be a better option. Dentures come in several different forms, all with the goal of replacing missing teeth. Despite a more intense process, dental implants are becoming more popular among patients because they are durable and long lasting. In each of these cases, it typically takes two or more dental appointments to complete the process.

If adult tooth loss is concerning to you, following the steps above should help preserve your teeth. Be sure to visit a reputable dentist twice a year as well, as this will help keep your oral health on track and avoid tooth loss.

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